In the South, people often call me a “rare breed.” I think they’re referring to the fact that I’m a third-generation Raleigh native, or possibly my devotion to family, which led me to create The Other Woman after the birth of my first child.
Whatever their reasons, I don’t think I’m a rare breed, just a fair one. I believe in Karma: What goes around comes around. I’ve lived my life as though everything I send out to the world will be returned to me in kind.
What you might discover about me if we spend time talking:
- I’m easy-going and try to avoid creating stress. Our office in the Glenwood South area is fun, lighthearted, and engaging. We care take each other as we go about the business of care taking our clients.
- I care about people. Whether it’s my own family, my employees, my customers, or a stranger, I try to get to know the people around me. When people depend on me, I do everything in my power to help them. That’s why I pay my employees a living wage. As a single mother and someone who pulled herself up by her bootstraps, I know no one can live on minimum wage income.
- I am humble. Having climbed the corporate ladder and traveled around the country on business trips, my home is really where my heart is. Life has brought me many lessons, and I am happy for that experience. True, I started and currently run a successful business that employs a large team, but if you were to ask, I’d say that I simply clean homes. I guess I’m just wired that way.

Many of our customers have been with us for years
They develop a liking for a particular person or way of doing things, and they call us again and again.
Contact The Other Woman today at 919.832.1756.
Are you a member of the media?
Whether you’re covering domestic issues, housecleaning tips, women business owners, SOHO and small businesses, or even general human interest topics, please feel free to contact owner Loy Kiser at 919.832.1756. She is delighted to assist journalists.

Amanda Oreshack
ManagerWe're Hiring
Hardworking Cleaners Needed!
The Other Woman pays our employees a living wage, and we are currently expanding our hardworking team. We care about our staff, our customers, and the community, and we take pride in supporting other local businesses whenever possible.